About "Hurt People (Love Will Heal Our Hearts)"
Hurt People (Luke 23:34)
Hurt is hard to deal with. When someone breaks your trust or says something hurtful to your face, or behind your back, it’s easy to fight hurt with hurt. The pain of hurt can sting so bad, and to deal with that pain, sometimes our attitude is to say “I’m taking YOU down with me.” So we fight fire with fire and brutally exchange hurt for hurt. We become reckless and vindictive believing that if others feel the same level of hurt as we do, that justice will be served and righteousness will follow. The thing is, that these defenses that we believe are protecting us are actually eroding our courage. We hide behind our tough words, our sarcasm, pettiness, and meanness. All of these responses lack actual courage, and steer us away from what we really want - HEALING, and the truth is that healing can only come by finding the courage to forgive. Sometimes it’s learning how to forgive others, and a lot of times it’s learning how to forgive ourselves. Hurt people, hurt people, but only the grace and love of Christ will heal our hearts.